2012年2月29日 星期三


對朋友說再見, 祝他一路好走, 別在天堂路上也迷了路
對家人說再見, 謝謝您的照顧與陪伴,望您與阿公天國相聚愉快
對過去的愛情說再見, 很高興她找到幸福, 一個未卸下的擔子終於可以拿下了
對去年的自己說再見, 又是渾渾噩噩的一年, 計畫永遠趕不上變化, 但也算平安渡過.

一晃就是三十...曾經幻想三十有車有房,有著穩定的感情和工作支持著我. 但現實就好似嘲笑自己的幼稚無知, 這些好像永遠都是每年的"目標". 有什麼是值得我去爭取的, 我現在還真的不知道...
如果真只是為了自己的將來.那為何我每天還得承受著它人的期待, 聽著狗屁不通的道理? 

just tired...on everything

2012年2月6日 星期一


average christmas day fun by lomokev
average christmas day fun, a photo by lomokev on Flickr.

透過 Flickr:
this is not actually want it looks like. the kid is running a wave that is about to knock him over. although the wave dose not look big the shape of beach its quite easy to dragged back in and as the water is around 5c 41f that is not a good thing.

this is form the annual brighton christmas day swim, the conditions where appalling. so bad in fact that the event was official called off but that did not stop approximately 100 people going in watched by thousands. quite a few need help getting out. one person needed rescuing by brighton swimming club members, he walked off the beach to an ambulance but need help to get there.

if your into tumblr you reblog this on tumblr, help me get something totally left frield on the tumblr radar!

check out my photos form previous christmas day swims here.